As I have said before, I love to learn new things and I go hard on specific subjects. The problem I have though, is that I have a terrible memory. I will learn something and then forget it within a week so I have decided to work on improving my memory. I am just starting this journey so I began with a book that was highly recommended by a friend of mine. Moonwalking with Einstein doesn't exactly teach you how to improve your memory, it just introduces you to the world. It is a wonderful book so far and has inspired me to give mind palaces a try. I'll get more into this once I've finished the book and practiced it a bit.
Another thing that I am trying out to help me actually obtain new information is writing about it. That's what this new series "What I've Learned Wednesday" is all about, I feel like if I talk about it or write about it I actually remember it. I'm going to be honest though, no one wants to hear about me ramble on about the random facts I adore learning so I'm going to type it up on here and if you want to read it, cool beans. I never say cool beans.. And I'm definitely not going to start now. Moving on! If you like reading about random facts on serial killers, psychology, philosophy, doctor who, comics, and much more then this is the extremely random but organized series for you! And what do all of those subjects have in common you are thinking to yourself. Absolutely nothing!! That's just what I've been wanting to learn about. (Now you are creeped out because why does CJ want to learn about serial killers..? Because CJ has always found serial killers interesting and she's been watching a ridiculous amount of Criminal Minds. How cool would being a profiler be?) If you are still reading this you are one brave soul because you are diving into the strange place that is my mind.
Enough of my rambling, let's get to learning! Let me know if you are at all interested in this series. And even if no one is, I'm still going to do it because typing about it is going to help me obtain what I've been learning. If you have any tips on how I can be a better learner, tell me your secrets!
Recommended Reading: Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer
Hello Lovely!

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